homo.net Profil BEAR6GER
Meine Profil-URL: http://homo.net/user/BEAR6GER
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An die Besucher meiner Seite
Hi and welcum to my little homepage at homo.de. Nice to have you with me.
Über mich
I am a German bear. I am 37 y.o. and I am seeking for bear friends all over the world. I am travelling a lot to the US and other places.
Das ist mir wichtig
Sex with great big hairy bears from all over the world.
Über Liebe und Freundschaft
I am also seeking for a bear boyfriend that will share my life with me.
Über Sex
I am top, very dominating in terms of sex and love especially to get my dick sucked till the very end.
Zur vollen E-Mail-Adresse (bear6...@hotmail.com)